Exploring Your Journey
What if I could teach you a few tools to help you navigate your inner awakening process? Please review the questions below to see if they feel relatable to you. Then I invite you to schedule a session with me to discuss strategies to help you relax, learn about the subtle vibrational changes you may be feeling, and to understand how to proceed as you Awaken Midlife. In this session we will also address healing and releasing so that you are able to gain more clarity. My belief is that working together will give you peace of mind.
Do you see shadows or feel the energy of spirits when you enter a room?
Do you feel emotions of others?
Do spirits wake you up at night?
Do you feel you are learning information while you sleep?
Do you sense at times that you are not alone?
Do you feel isolated with your experiences?
Do you ask yourself if there might be a bigger purpose to fulfill in your life?
Do you see bright flashing lights out of the corner of your eye?
Do your ears lightly ring randomly?
Do you hear music but the stereo is not on?
These are just a few of the signs that people experience when they are beginning to awaken to their inner knowing. Many people are beginning to recognise these subtle changes in energy around them and at times may feel isolated with nobody to talk to about it. One of my other gifts is to help people get more familiar with the process. It’s actually very exciting when you begin to uncover your soul’s true purpose. Sometimes simple adjustments like setting up energetic boundaries may make the situation feel more comfortable and ultimately more fulfilling.
“I feel that the reading I had with you Jenny has enhanced my intuitive journey and amplified the signs I am receiving from the universe.” Go to the Experiences Page to read the rest of Kim’s experience
“While I have always been open to possibilities in our world, it truly has been my friendship and experiences with Jenny that have opened my heart and mind. I find myself moving through life in a completely different way.” Go to the Experiences Page to read the rest of Sharon’s experience
Spiritual Guidance
Awaken Midlife is about waking up to the subtleties the universe and God are trying to send to you. My role in your soul awakening process is to help to calm your nerves, comfort your heart and nurture your soul.
This session will offer a non-judgemental and safe space to discuss your experiences and feelings. My hope is that it will be comforting for you to know that you can trust me and be able to put your mind at ease while we create a strategy to help you on your spiritual awakening path. I look forward to learning your story.