I’m a Medium and when I sense or feel Spirit nearby my heart feels anxious and it feels like someone is standing right next to me. Sometimes I feel a slight breeze, sometimes the lights flicker off and on, and sometimes I see their face in my mind’s eye. My mother passed away in 1995 and I still get visits from her. She has always flickered lights when I’m thinking of her or baking her favorite dessert. This type of activity cannot be denied because when I have a conversation with her the lights flicker quickly and then stop. Recently I moved to a different home with my husband. The light switches automatically turn on when the motion sensor detects motion by walking into the room. Often when I’m far away from a sensor but I can see the room the light will turn on while I’m thinking of her. This technique is an excellent way to establish communication with a departed loved one but it requires one to be present and aware in the moment. I hope you’ll stay open to all possibilities of connecting with your loved ones!